
The Mackerel



  • Bluff!
  • Tactics!
  • Insight!
プレイ人数 2〜5人 プレイ時間10〜20分
対象年齢6歳〜 価格500円
発売時期2018春 予約 不可
ゲームデザインWataru Horiba イラスト・DTP Isagi Tachibana



"The Mackerel" is a bluff game aimed at earning a score by applying opponent's card.

Everyone has five Mackerel cards of the same content. However, since you can not use the card you placed last, you actually have 4 cards.

The number at the bottom of the card is the score.

In each round, round player selects 1 card, turns it out and puts out. And declare the type of mackerel. At this time, the type declared does not have to be the mackerel of the card issued.

After that, another player also selects one mackerel card and opens all at once.

And the result determines the score of that round.

If someone wins over 10 points it is over.

English rules