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- [F07]Canals of Amsterdam English rulebook
- 2015/4/30 17:46
[F07]The Garden Games Canals of Amsterdam
English rulebook is available.
Canals of Amsterdam
Players: 2-4 Playing time: 30 min Age: 8+
Game design: Tadahide Kashio Artwork: Tori Hasegawa
Canals of Amsterdam, included in the World Heritage list, were built in the 17th century during the Dutch Golden Age. In this game, players dig canals in the city of Amsterdam, which has been called the "Venice of the North", to wield influence and rule scattered markets and areas.
Game Idea and Outline:
Place Influence tiles and Canal pieces so as to rule markets and areas. The markets and areas under your control will provide you wealth. The player who has gained the highest wealth at the end of the game wins.
April 30, 2015
The instructions I have uploaded yesterday , I was slightly modified .
Please see the modified instructions . URL has not changed .