
サークル名は古代インドのボードゲームである、チャトランガ からのインスパイアです。

  • 2019年:タイムイズデリシャス
  • 2021年:エリスの算盤
  • 2023年:エリスの算盤 第2版
  • 2023年:ザ・カカポ バディ&パーティ

About 「The KAKAPO Buddy & Party」 English Rules
2023/12/8 21:20

I'm sorry. We do not provide English rules.
Therefore, we have prepared the text so that it can be translated.
I put the rules translated by a translation tool.
Please check the Japanese rules for the diagram


■ ゲーム概要

「ザ・カカポ バディ&パーティ」は、トリックテイキングとパズルを組み合わせた協力型ゲームです。
■ Game Overview
「The KAKAPO Buddy & Party」 is a cooperative game that combines trick-taking and puzzle solving.
Players become a member of 「KAKAPO」 a special organization for bird conservation, and all players work together to clear a given mission.
In each mission, players progress through the selection and placement of puzzle pieces by repeating mini-games (tricks).
The puzzle piece is a device that scans biometric information, and if it can be used to surround the target bird, the mission is completed.
However, the selection and placement of puzzle pieces does not always go as planned.
This is because the birds are very sensitive to human voices, and communication is limited in this game.
Players cannot exchange information about each other's cards or which puzzle piece to select, but must achieve the common goal of clearing the mission.

■ はじめに
「ザ・カカポ バディ&パーティ」には、2人専用の[バディ]ルールと、3~4人で遊べる[パーティ]ルールがあります。
■ Introduction
The Kakapo Buddy & Party" has two different rules: [Buddy] rules for two players only, and [Party] rules for three or four players.
The objective of the game is the same in both cases, but the rules differ in some areas.

■ ゲームの準備
1. ゲームボードをテーブルの中央に置きます。
2. スキャナーピースを色ごとにひとまとめにして、ゲームボードのそばに置きます。

[バディ] 3. スキルカウンターを5個、ゲームボードのそばに表向きで配置します。
[パーティ]】3. スキルカウンターを3個、ゲームボードのそばに表向きで配置します。

4. 後述のミッション集(バディ▶p15, パーティ▶p26)から遊びたいミッションを1つ選びます。

5. 全てのスキャナーカード(40枚)を裏向きのままひとまとめにしてよくまぜます。
5. 4人プレイ時は全てのスキャナーカード(40枚)を裏向きのままひとまとめにしてよくまぜます。
3人プレイ時は、「 紫 1」のスキャナーカードを取り除き(この 紫 1はゲーム終了まで使用しません)、残り39枚を裏向きのままひとまとめにしてよくまぜます。

6. 配られたスキャナーカードは「手札」となります。他のプレイヤーに見せないようにして確認してください。

7. 手札に「 紫 8」のスキャナーカードを持っているプレイヤーは、所持していることを宣言します。
[バディ]「紫 8」のスキャナーカードを所持しているプレイヤーがいない場合は、じゃんけんなど適当な方法でスタートプレイヤーを決めてください。

■ Game Preparation
1. Place the game board in the center of the table.
2. Place the scanner pieces by color in a group near the game board.
Place the decision card place by the game board as well.

[Buddy] 3. Place 5 skill counters face up near the game board.
[Party] 3. Place 3 skill counters face up near the game board.

4. choose one of the missions you want to play from the collection of missions (Buddy ▶ p.15, Party ▶ p.26) described below.
Place the mission pieces on the game board according to the mission description.
*This game has 20 missions for each of Buddy and Party, and you can play them in order according to the difficulty level.
Of course, you can play them all in any order you like.

5. put all the scanner cards (40 cards) together face down and mix them well.
Then draw 8 scanner cards and return them face down to the box.
These cards are not used until the end of the game. The remaining 32 cards are distributed evenly among the players.
5. in a 4-player game, all the scanner cards (40 cards) are put together face down and mixed well.
Then deal all the cards equally to the players.
For 3 players, remove the Purple 1 scanner card (Purple 1 is not used until the end of the game) and mix the remaining 39 cards face down.
Then deal all the cards equally to the players.

6. the dealt scanner cards become "cards in hand". Please make sure that you do not show them to other players.
You may not show or talk about your cards to other players while playing.
Also, you may not explain your strategy, tell other players to do certain things, or discuss game strategy with other players. 7.

7. the player who has a Purple 8 scanner card in his or her hand declares that he or she has it.
The player who declared is the starting player.
[If there is no player who has the "Purple 8" scanner card in his or her hand, the starting player is decided by rock-paper-scissors or any other appropriate method.

This completes the preparation.
 As for the two summary sheets, please distribute one to each player as needed.
It is also convenient to keep the "List of Scanner Pieces" on p. 37 - p. 38 open during play.

■ ゲームの流れ
[バディ] 8ラウンド


1. ディシジョンカードの決定
2. スキャナーピースの選択
3. スキャナーピースの配置
4. ミッションクリア判定
■ Game Flow
This game repeats "rounds" and the game ends when the mission is completed or the following number of rounds are completed.
[Buddy] 8 rounds
[Party] 10 rounds

Each round is divided into 4 "phases" and each phase proceeds in the following order

1. decision card selection
2. selecting the scanner piece
3. placement of scanner pieces
4. decision to clear the mission

1. ディシジョンカードの決定



① スタートプレイヤーが手札からスキャナーカードを1枚選び、表向きで公開します。
② 相手プレイヤーは手札からスキャナーカードを1枚選び、表向きに公開します。
③ スタートプレイヤーがもう1枚のスキャナーカードを選び、公開します。
④ 相手プレイヤーはもう1枚のスキャナーカードを選び、公開します。

① スタートプレイヤーを起点にした時計回りで、各プレイヤーは手札からスキャナーカードを1枚選び、表向きで公開します。

次のルールに従い、公開された全てスキャナーカードの中から、「2. スキャナーピースの選択」フェイズで使用するカードを決定(ディシジョン)します。

1ラウンド目は何も置かれていませんので、その場合はディシジョンカード置場そのものの色( 紫 )を「一番上のカードの色」とみなしてください。
1. decision card decision
In this phase, all players play a mini-game using the cards in their hands.
Starting with the starting player, each player, in turn, chooses a scanner card from his or her hand to reveal, and finally makes a "decision".
When each player chooses a scanner card to reveal, the "must-follow" rule must be followed.

The first scanner card revealed by the starting player in this round is called the lead color.
From the second player onward, when each player reveals a scanner card from his or her hand, if he or she has a scanner card of the lead color, he or she must choose a scanner card to reveal from among the scanner cards of the same color.
Only if you do not have any scanner card of the lead color, you can reveal a scanner card of a different color.
This is called must-follow.

If you have more than one possible scanner card to reveal, you are free to choose any one of them.

How to reveal a card
(1) The starting player chooses a scanner card from his or her hand and reveals it face up.
(2) The other player chooses a Scanner card from his or her hand and reveals it face up.
(3) The starting player chooses another Scanner card and reveals it.
(4) The other player chooses another Scanner card and reveals it.

(1) Starting from the start player and going clockwise, each player selects a scanner card from his or her hand and reveals it face up.

Decision Card Judgment
According to the following rules, the player decides (decides) which card to use in the "2. Select Scanner Piece" phase from among all the revealed scanner cards.
Normally, the scanner card with the largest number among the scanner cards of the same color as the lead color is chosen. The selected card is called the "decision card.
If a card of the same color as the scanner card on the top of the decision deck is included in the decision, the decision method changes as follows.
In this case, the card with the highest number among the scanner cards of the same color as the card at the top of the decision deck becomes the decision card.

The decision card is the card that became the decision card in the previous round.
In the first round, there are no cards in the decision deck, so the color of the decision deck itself (purple) is used as the color of the top card.

2. スキャナーピースの選択
このフェイズは、「1. ディシジョンカードの決定」フェイズでディシジョンカードとなったスキャナーカードを公開したプレイヤーが担当します。



プレイヤー はディシジョンカード置き場のスキャナーカードや、捨て札となったスキャナーカードをプレイ中いつでも確認することができます。

次の「3. スキャナーピースの配置」フェイズはスキップし、「4. ミッションのクリア判定」フェイズの「ラウンド数のチェック」に進んでください。





2. scanner piece selection
This phase is played by the player who revealed the scanner card that became the decision card in the "1. Decide Decision Card" phase.
The player in charge checks the scanner piece corresponding to the decision card.
The player then declares whether or not he or she will use a Skill, if available, and if so, the type of Skill.
The available skills are summarized and described below.

When Skills are not used
The scanner piece corresponding to the decision card is selected.

When using a skill
You can use a skill by consuming one skill counter.
You can change or add a scanner piece to be placed by the effect of the skill.
If you do not have any skill counters to spend, you cannot use a skill.
Also, only one skill can be used per round.
When using a skill, flip over one skill counter to show that you have used it.
Also, declare the resulting selected scanner piece so that other players can see it.

The decision card is then placed on the top of the decision card deck, and the remaining scanner cards are discarded and put aside on the table.
Players can check the scanner cards in the decision deck and the discarded scanner cards at any time during play.

When a scanner piece cannot be selected
If the piece corresponding to a decision card has already been used and you cannot select an unused piece by using a skill, you cannot select a scanner piece.
Skip the next "3. Placement of Scanner Piece" phase and proceed to the "4. Round Count Check" in the "Mission Clear Decision" phase.

Available Skills
(1) Double Scan
If all revealed scanner cards were the same color, in addition to the scanner piece corresponding to the decision card,
the scanner piece corresponding to the scanner card with the lowest number revealed can be selected.

Examples of when double-scanning cannot be used
If the published scanner cards are not all the same color, double scan cannot be used.

In addition to (1) Double Scan, the following two skills can be used in the Buddy rule.
(2) Wild Color
You can change the scanner piece to be selected from the scanner piece corresponding to the decision card to another color scanner piece of the same value.

(iii) Shift Change
The selected scanner piece can be shifted from the scanner piece corresponding to the decision card to another scanner piece of the same color with one higher or one lower value.
If the decision card is an 8, it is not possible to shift up one scanner piece.
Similarly, if the decision card is a 1, you cannot shift down one scanner piece.

*Unlike double-scanning, wild color and shift change can be used even if the revealed scanner cards are not all the same color.
3. スキャナーピースの配置
引き続き、このフェイズも「1. ディシジョンカードの決定」フェイズでディシジョンカードとなったスキャナーカードを公開したプレイヤーが担当します。
担当プレイヤーは「2. スキャナーピースの選択」フェイズで選択したスキャナーピースをゲームボード上のどこに配置するかを決定し、配置します。

• 12✕12のマス目をはみ出してはいけません。
• すでに配置されているミッションピース、スキャナーピースと重ねてはいけません。
• 配置されている同じ色のスキャナーピースと辺で隣接してはいけません。
• すでに配置されているスキャナーピースを動かすことはできません。
• スキャナーピースは裏表どちらでも配置することができます。
• 空きスペース(どのピースにも隣接しない場所)に配置することもできます。
• ミッションピースの色と異なる色を隣接して配置することもできます。

担当プレイヤーは、スキャナーピースを12×12のマス目内のどこにも置くことができないと判断した場合、 そのことを宣言してください。
3. placement of scanner piece
This phase is continued by the player who revealed the scanner card that became the decision card in the "1. Decide Decision Card" phase.
The player in charge decides where to place the scanner piece selected in the "2. Select Scanner Piece" phase and places it on the game board.
The following placement rules must be observed.

Placement rules
- The piece must not extend beyond the 12✕12 square.
- Do not place a puzzle piece on top of an already placed mission piece or scanner piece.
- No scanner pieces of the same color may be placed adjacent to any other scanner pieces of the same color.
- Cannot move a scanner piece that is already in place.
- Scanner pieces may be placed either face down or face up.
- Scanner pieces may be placed in empty spaces (not adjacent to any piece).
- Scanner pieces can be placed adjacent to pieces of a different color than the color of the mission piece.
Note, however, that in some cases, you may not be able to fulfill the mission's clear condition.

When placement is not possible anywhere
If the scanner piece cannot be placed anywhere within the 12 x 12 grid, the mission has failed and the game ends.
If the player in charge decides that the scanner piece cannot be placed anywhere in the 12 x 12 grid, he or she must declare that fact.
After that, all players should confirm again that there is no place to place the piece, and if all players can confirm, the game is over.

4. ミッションのクリア判定
現在のミッションのクリア条件をミッショ ン集から確認し、クリア条件を満たしているか確認してください。
ゲームを終了し、プ レイヤー全員で喜びを分かち合ってください。

このラウンドの「1. ディシジョンカードの決定」フェイズでディシジョンカードとなったスキャナーカードを公開したプレイヤー(2.、3.のフェイズを担当したプレイヤー)がスタートプレイヤーとなり、次のラウンドを開始します。

※3人でプレイする場合は、10ラウンド 終了 時点で3枚の手札が余ります。

• ミッションピースのすべての辺がスキャナーピースで囲まれていること。
• ミッションピースの色がついている辺が、同じ色のスキャナーピースで囲まれていること。
4. mission clear judgment
To clear a mission, the number of mission pieces specified for each mission must be scanned.
Check the clear condition of the current mission from the "Mission Collection" and confirm that the clear condition is met.
If the clear condition is met, the mission has succeeded.
Finish the game and share the joy with all players.

Check the number of rounds
 If the clear condition is not satisfied and the specified number of rounds have not been reached, proceed to the next round.
The player who revealed the scanner card that became the decision card in the "1. Decision Card" phase of this round (the player responsible for phases 2. and 3.) becomes the starting player and starts the next round.
If the specified number of rounds are reached without fulfilling the clear condition, the mission fails and the game ends.

*If 3 players play, there will be 3 cards left over at the end of 10 rounds.

Scan Completion Condition
 To "complete scanning a mission piece" means that both of the following conditions are met
- All sides of the mission piece are surrounded by scanner pieces.
- All colored edges of the mission piece are surrounded by scanner pieces of the same color.
