こんにちは! 空葉堂(KUYODO)と申します。

ふだんは東京都新宿区で空葉堂書店という本屋さん運営等をしております。ゲームマーケット秋2024では新作『黙談-Silentalk-を、11/16(土), 17(日)の両日とも【G11】ブースにて出展&販売させていただいます。協力ゲームで、コミュニケーション制限系で、150以上のパズルミッションが楽しめます。よろしければブースへ遊びにいらしてくださいね。


English ver. of "雅々 Ga-Ga" rulebook is coming!
2022/4/13 21:56

about "雅々 Ga-Ga" in Japanese

Thanks to its great popularity!

However, "雅々 Ga-Ga" has only had a Japanese version of the rulebook until now.

This time, we prepared an English rulebook so that many people can enjoy it.

Please let us know if you would like an English version of the rulebook.
It will be included free of charge at the time of purchase.


The following is an extract from the flyer.

You can either win by calling "Miyabi" proudly or get defeated by other player's "Miyabi-Gasane!".

The goal of the game is to "avoid getting drunk" as much as possible while discarding or picking up the four elegant cards {Mai=dance, Cha=tea, Incense, and Fan} and the slightly disturbing cards {Ogre and Tsurugi=sword}. The game ends when one player becomes too drunk; The least drunken player wins. Once you play GA-GA, you will become addicted: The exhilarating feeling of discarding many cards at once while keeping an eye on other players' faces, reading a flow of the game, deep strategic thinking, and so on... Please enjoy this beautiful and glittering Japanese board game!

If you're used to playing games at a gaming party, this is a good first game to get you started. If there are a lot of beginners, I would recommend it before a heavier game and after a lighter game.

From a review by Entangle of "Bodogamer"


If you are interested in "雅々 Ga-Ga", please come to booth at 【シ-12】 presented by 空葉堂:KUYODO!
*Only exhibited on 2023/5/13 (Sat.)
